sowing seeds of hope to provide resources and encouragement for International organizations




 Epos International believes in the combination of three areas to produce a holistic outcome including education, discipleship, and social care.  Each of these areas,  individually, is vital and has its own vision and passion but Epos International is an organization that desires to combine all three of these areas through your generosity.  We believe that the combination of these three areas can make an even greater impact in someone to become a world changer and produce dynamic change in an entire generation.

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Education, Discipleship & Social Care Organization



Mande is the Founder of Epos International, Inc. Mande has a heart for connecting resources to the work that God is doing around the world!

She loves to travel and experience unique cultures and people around the globe. Her heart beats for humanitarian efforts and how God can take an individual with their strengths and passions and do more than anyone could imagine bringing Kingdom results to a world in need!

Mande has a Bachelor’s in Education with certification in TEYL. She received her Master’s in International Relations with an emphasis on European policy, development, and security from the United Kingdom.  She is a certified consultant for Human Rights and Human Trafficking Prevention. She has over 15 years of experience in International settings and is well-versed in International policy, procedures, program management, organizational operations, and compliance for the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

She is a mother of six and is daily raising world changers in the next generation.  She would love to speak with you or your organization to offer training courses, workshops, and consulting services. Please contact Mande to see how you can gain opportunities and insight on a global scale.

Education, Discipleship & Social Care Organization

epos international

Epos International desires to connect resources for education, discipleship, and social care to bring a Global impact for the vulnerable in Eastern Europe and the Kingdom of God.

Sowing seeds for growth in three core areas of Education, Discipleship, and Social Programs for those in sensitive circumstances are the very heart of Epos. These three areas build the notes to a beautiful symphony that allows the music of what feeds our soul to echo throughout the globe.

It’s through these beautiful notes that a song is turned from music into a life story. You, the reader, are the conductor of this song's poetry. You are the one that can take something as simple as a dollar and turn it into someone’s story. Your generosity has the opportunity to change a life and in turn an entire generation. You have the means to care for a child, give education to a student, and provide the resources to bring God’s love to a hurting world.

 Epos desires to have a long-term global impact through local organizations. We bring together individuals and organizations as we raise support to give aid to education, discipleship, and social programs around the world.


 Epos desires to have a long term global impact through local organizations.

We bring together individuals and organizations as we raise support to give aid to churches, education, and social programs around the world

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 Your generosity has the opportunity to change a life and in turn, an entire generation.

You have the means to care for a child, educate a student, and provide the resources to bring aid to social programs in a hurting world.

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