sowing seeds of hope to provide resources and encouragement for International organizations

 Travel and learn

Humanitarian & Cultural Missions and Trips

Travel and Learn

Pack Your Bags!  There’s A Big World Waiting Out There For You!

Have you ever dreamed about leaving the comforts you have every day to see how you could change the world?

Have you ever wanted to celebrate that milestone or take a needed vacation, somewhere Internationally, but you didn’t know where to start?

So many adventures still to be discovered! Epos International wants to show you the world and how beautiful, unique, and diverse the cultures are, but more than anything, we want to prepare you for when you get there.  Learn about the people, the cultures, the traditions, and how you can make a positive difference while you are there.

Humanitarian & Cultural Missions and Trips

Humanitarian & Mission Trips

Have you dreamed about leaving the comforts you have every day to see how you could change the world?

Going on a humanitarian trip changes you, it changes the people you interact with and brings hope to the world. Epos international believes in changing the world! It’s amazing the difference you can make when you use who you already are to bring hope to people in need.

Whether it’s medical skills, sign language, playing ball, teaching conversational English, hammering a few nails or adding a fresh coat of paint for home improvement, playing that instrument your mom made you learn, or anything else you already do and love… You can bring hope and healing to a world in need.

Epos International wants to help you as you go on a humanitarian trip. We have opportunities with our network to not only give resources to help their needs, but to give tangible resources with teams to directly partner with them. We have three tiers of how involved you would like for us to be as you set out to change the world!  Our trips are customizable, and we are willing to work alongside individuals and organizations in whatever capacity you choose.

Humanitarian & Cultural Missions and Trips

Cultural Trips

It’s time to explore!

Get to know how big our small world really is.
Epos International hosts cultural trips to satisfy your adventurous spirit. We provide comfort, peace of mind, logistics, certified tour guides, and a cultural experience for groups of adventurers. Allow us to show you how big the world really is and how amazing each and every culture and unique group of people that live in it are as well!

Our culture trips are customizable as we have three tiers of how involved you would like us to be. We can help get you started in your planning or we can take care of all the details while you focus on that trip you’ve been wanting to take, that milestone you are dreaming to celebrate, or that first solo trip where you really won’t be alone.

Experience the history, traditions, culture, amazing food, and entertainment that each tour has to offer.

Humanitarian & Cultural Missions and Trips

International Vision of Ambassadors

Epos International has a program called International Vision of Ambassadors, IVA.  It is a training program for Global Activism and Training, and we are looking for someone just like YOU.

Have you ever been a part of something and wished you could do more? Have you ever traveled to another country and wanted to continue to help once you returned home? Have you ever seen injustice and wanted to raise awareness and activism on a Global scale? 

We want to equip you and empower you with everything you need to be a part of true change and light to the world around you! Our IVA program is a combination of intensive training sessions and opportunities for practical application. This program launches Spring of 2024. Session dates will be announced soon. Please contact us if you would like a personal invitation to the IVA program.

 upcoming events and opportunities

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Epos International Internship

 Are you ready for an unforgettable semester as part of a dynamic, International team? 

Epos International is always searching for qualified people to fill our internship positions on a rolling basis.  The ideal schedule is 2-4 hours a week or more time if you’re able to give it. 

Our internship opportunities

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Communication & Engagement

Focused on communications, social media, and design.  Turn your social medial/design skills into global impact!



Focused on caring for our donors and network partners- get to know the most dynamic leaders and organizations in the world.



Focused on fundraising, grant research/writing, event planning, and outreach for both domestic and international.



Focused on support and learning.  Engage with bright and successful nonprofit leaders throughout the world.


Volunteer Coordinator

Focus on recruitment and vetting of new volunteers, volunteer engagement, and management.



Focused on special projects under the leadership of our executive director.



In your email, please include the following:

1.Your name and top two positions that interest you in the subject line.

2. Attach your resume and cover letter.  The cover letter should highlight your strengths, interests, and professional growth aspirations. 

Let us know what makes you unique!